Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So, sleep is this elusive thing that I get sometimes, but never enough. And the hard part is I can never predict when I will get it. Three nights ago, Jax slept through the night. I was elated! The last 2 nights, he starts stirring around 3 or 4am, melts down and needs a bottle within an hour, seems to be very sleepy during and after bottle, then stirs the rest of the night/morning, never really going into a deep sleep. So, I am literally constantly putting his paci in his mouth to get him to stay quiet and not melt down completely. He is always half asleep, but never fully. Why is this happening? Anyone ever have their little ones do this? I don't know what to do differently. I mean he is swaddled, fed, and seemingly sleepy. I'm at a loss, but I can tell you this much - I am not a happy (or good) mommy at 5am when he refuses to just stay asleep.

On top of this, my "little" man is rapidly growing out of his bassinet. He is SO big, I can't believe how fast he has grown. He is definitely a chunker:). He grew into his cheeks! So, I know that I have to get him transitioned into his crib. But how? And if he does this restless thing every night, what am I supposed to do? Run across the house to his room every time he starts fussing? I obviously don't want him moving into full blown screaming every night.

As a short update, his reflux has improved dramatically on Zantac, but certainly not fully and we still have some rough days. So, we have to travel to see a GI specialist for him next week. I am hoping we can get a better and more long term plan for him. I am constantly on edge, waiting for the symptoms to take over my sweet boy and leave no sign of my formerly happy baby for days on end. Every time he fusses or has a meltdown or spits up (read: vomits) like crazy, I practically have a panic attack, waiting for it all to fall apart again. Not a good way to live, or parent, I know. As I write this, he has once again woken early from a nap, fussy. He will no doubt want a bottle, and he can't have it for 45 minutes. This is very clearly one of the symptoms and this is the second time it has happened can I not take that as a sign?

So, any advice or guidance on all issues listed here would be appreciated:) - sleep, transitioning to crib and getting control over this reflux trauma I seem to be experiencing!


  1. I know for us Faith couldn't sleep in the room with us our little noises would wake her up constantly maybe thats why he is stirring around 304am? Probably a long shot but who knows...when we crib transitioned we just kinda did it while he is still swaddled though so its not a big change from swaddlying in a bassinet to no swaddling in a great big crib ;) we also started the lovie once we moved into the didnt notice it for like 4 months after that but having it there it became a constant and now it is a must :)

    I feel ya tho I am not the mommmy of the year either at 5am ;0)

  2. With AJ, we used the Cuddle U pillow and a box fan. This pillow is very similar to the boppy but has a piece of fabric that comes up between their legs and velcros underneath itself to keep them inclined and in place. With the box fan, I turned it on high, faced it to blow away from him and propped it up against the end of bassinet/pack-in-play. This gave him the vibration & noise blocker he needed (along with the prevacid & thick cereal bottles at night)to just lull him right to sleep. You just about have to jump thru hoops for these reflux babes, I tell ya!! If you don't have one of those pillows already, they sell them at Wal Mart & Target and they are less than $20. LeachCo makes them.

  3. Here's the link to the pillow I was talking about:

  4. The prevacid was the only thing that helped my friend's baby, zantac only worked for a few days then he was back and forth with the symptoms!
    Good luck wtih the GI doctor's visit!

  5. No advice, but Alana did that too! Slept thru the night and then started waking again at 3-4 am! I'm not a great mommy at that time of morning either! Not after weeks of no sleep! :)

  6. I agree with some of the others who say the transition to crib should start. Maybe some sort of white noise during the night that he gets used to will be helpful.Even during his daytime naps.He will associate the noise with sleep. Maybe classical music? They do wake and sleep several times. He can find his hand and soon will find his paci on his own which will teach him to sooth himself. You must try soon. Time is important for you. Love ya C

  7. Paisley is doing the exact same thing right now and I can't figure it out either. She sleeps great all the way through the night, then wakes up repeatedly fussy the next night. I have to give her the binky back over and over certain nights and others she sleeps without it. And she's still in our bed, so I can't possibly offer any advice with crib transitioning! :)

  8. My daughter did the same thing, it's called a four month wakeful period. here is a link with a little info:

  9. Over sleeping, over stimulation, growth spurt, at 3 months it can be almost anything. We did the transition to crib in steps. Step 1: just lay the kiddo in there to look at mobile and get comfy, step 2: start getting baby to take a nap in there to taking all naps in there, step 3: sleep in crib over night. Sometimes they aren't big fans of the crib but eventually they do prefer their own space.

  10. We had very extreme issues with sleep and reflux with Lydia. I was able to transition her to an Amby bed (from sleeping in my arms in a recliner) around 3 months and everyone started sleeping better. Since then, there have been some questions about the safety of the Amby bed (a recall that has apparently been fixed, but I don't keep up on these things anymore). All I know is that it worked a miracle for us. Here is another product that I came across in a quick search: but you would definitely want to do your own research on it if it is something you are interested in.
